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Wednesday, November 19

Photo on a canvas: Christmas Present

The post that has the Photo on the canvas, really would not work for me because I wanted to put it in a frame, will I didn’t have to put it a frame but I wanted to. I have now spent 3 days trying to have some kind of success with having the picture look somewhat good. I tried 3 times to get it right and I feel that this is the best that I'm going to get it. I tried a different method this time so that I would be able to put in a frame that I didn’t have to have specially made. I printed the picture on tissue paper and then Mod Podged it onto a canvas. While after no success time and time again I kept getting nothing but wrinkles and rips or ink bleeding. Let me tell you really have to have some patience with this but I got it. You can not have it perfect at all their will be wrinkles I just tried to minimize them as much as I could, I did get a rip but I will not try any more cause this might be the best that I can get. LOL So with out further a due here is the picture.

I sure hope that you can get the idea, the frame measures 17 1/2" x 15 1/2" the picture it self is 8 x 10" so their you have it.

Have a wonderful day and nigh, and thanks I enjoyed my visit with you.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Great present - I'm sure the recipient will be tickled to receive it. Good job girl!


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